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Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings 

Creative Agency:
Publicis Singapore

Marvel Studios, Disney

Chief Creative Officer:
Jennie Morris

Associate Creative Director:
Tan Su Lin

Art Director:
Sandy Ang

Yong Heng Tan

Motion Graphic Designer:
Phoebe Ting


We got people to watch Shang-Chi and the Legend of The Ten Rings, by turning Shang- Chi into an icon for those who are breaking free from expectations to become their own person.

01. Destiny unleashed - Fighting their way onto our screens

Introduce the characters and dynamic action sequences in the movie by turning them into format-breaking content.

02. The Ten Rings – What are its powers?

The MCU has a new set of powerful artefacts. We pique our audiences’ curiosity about its mysterious abilities that seemingly has control over Shang-Chi’s destiny.

03. How to pronounce Super Hero – Say it loud

He’s an incredible fighter. He’s deeply connected with The Ten Rings. But… how do you pronounce his name?

04. Wenwu or Your Parents – Who said it?

Parents can be harsh, on-screen or real-life. Did Wenwu say these lines, or is it something Singaporean parents actually said?

05. Sharp Like Shang-Chi – All about the details

06. Shang-Chi in 8s – Don’t blink